
The project portfolio funded from 2021 to 2027 focuses on strengthening knowledge hubs, developing experimental environments, fostering innovative procurement, and creating new business services

Smart and sustainable urban solutions

In the theme of smart and sustainable urban solutions, we are developing innovative solutions for complex urban environments through collaboration between cities, businesses, universities, and research institutions.

At the same time, we are strengthening innovation and knowledge hubs in the field. The resulting solutions will help cities achieve ambitious emission reductions and create new business opportunities. By supporting the research and development processes of universities and businesses, we can together create new and better solutions to identified needs. The cities of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area offer diverse development and experimental environments for companies and research partners. A crucial part of our work is enhancing resident participation in development activities and bringing urban development challenges closer to the work of companies and RDI (Research, Development, and Innovation) actors. Collaboration between cities increases the impact of solutions, which is why we aim to make cities an active part of the co-creation process. In this way, we create a framework for competitive pioneering markets together.

The development targets selected for the theme of smart and sustainable urban solutions will address the goals of low-carbon and green transition by aligning with the emission reduction targets of cities, the state, and the EU. Smart and sustainable urban solutions will be developed, particularly in relation to the built environment (e.g., solutions related to energy efficiency investments and new low-carbon and digital construction solutions). Other relevant themes include the development of regional energy solutions, circular economy and urban food production solutions, as well as smart and sustainable transportation solutions.

Kuva: Jussi Hellsten
Photo: Jussi Hellsten
Photo: Vesa Laitinen

Wellbeing and Health technology

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area is home to significant research and business activities in the fields of well-being and health technology. The cities have created development and experimental environments for industry players in collaboration with their partners. They also offer services that support initiatives related to regional well-being and health, as well as early-stage companies.

The active participation of cities in focused development projects adds value, as their social and health services, facilities, and other resources serve as practical development and experimental environments. The projects under the HEVi program within this theme support knowledge hubs, business services, and development and experimental environments that facilitate companies’ product development and growth. These projects bring industry players together, promote peer learning, and resource sharing. As a result, companies will benefit from service pathways that support their product development and business expertise.

The theme fosters and supports innovative and growth-oriented business activities and solutions in the fields of well-being and health technology. The projects can also advance the adoption and dissemination of existing innovative solutions, as well as the co-development of products, services, and solutions. The companies targeted by these projects may focus on well-being and preventive services, as well as services that reduce health and well-being disparities, in addition to health technology.

New initiatives are designed collaboratively, based on needs, to seamlessly integrate into existing operations. Development projects can be connected diversely to various city services, including those that promote customer well-being and preventive measures.

Photo: Jussi Hellsten
Kuva: Riku Pihlanto
Photo: Riku Pihlanto

Learning environments and Edtech solutions

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area has excellent conditions for developing significant educational technology and related business activities. Our well-regarded education system, a substantial higher education sector, and digital expertise create a strong foundation for growth in this theme. Additionally, Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa have previously developed development and experimental environments connected to schools and other learning environments to support RDI activities in the field. The implementation of new learning-supportive solutions has wide-ranging societal impacts. We support the development and experimental activities of the HEVi cities and other actors, with the potential for higher education research to play a larger role in the future. Through projects emerging under this theme, the region’s universities and educational institutions will be involved in developing new digital solutions and models for skills and learning.

We support the development of educational services and technology exports by companies and educational institutions. Every development effort is linked to a business perspective, aiming for effective piloting of the developed solutions with the right target groups. We enhance the co-creation capabilities of teaching staff and familiarize them with the principles of educational technology-focused business. The active role of cities as experts in contract practices and long-term product testing supports the growth of companies in the field.

Photo: Vesa Laitinen
Photo: Jussi Hellsten

Ecosystem development and new ventures

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area is a diverse and dynamic environment where new innovation and business ecosystems develop and grow. The fourth theme of the HEVi program introduces flexibility to project operations over the long program period, allowing actors to respond to emerging trends, unexpected changes, and new growth areas that were more difficult to anticipate at the time of drafting the ecosystem agreement for the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. This theme enables projects to adapt and adjust their activities throughout the extended program period. With a rapidly changing innovation and business environment, new trends and technologies can emerge unexpectedly. The program thus provides actors with the ability to react to these changes, helping ensure that the ecosystems in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area remain competitive and relevant.

Alongside new emerging themes, we support the general development of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area’s ecosystems. The program is designed to broadly support various innovation and business ecosystems, regardless of their sector. Such development includes sector-independent services that support companies’ technological and business expertise, as well as initiatives that promote the internationalization of the region’s ecosystems.

Through these efforts, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area can maintain its position as a diverse and dynamic innovation environment in the future.

Photo: Silja Minkkinen
Photo: Jussi Hellsten