Food waste ecosystem

Food Waste Ecosystem project creates a new and networked way of operating in the Helsinki metropolitan area, which reduces food waste and enables it to be utilized more efficiently. The aim is to promote the circular economy of food in the metropolitan area.

The project will look for practical solutions to reduce food waste, particularly in food services. A key objective is to develop the capacity of the sector to make greater use of surplus food for food aid.

The project will also measure the quantity and quality of food waste, it also creates a model to follow food waste amounts and trends in food services. The results will contribute to the understanding of how surplus food can be redistributed more, and food waste can be further processed for commercial use.

The project will explore opportunities for businesses to build and develop their business around food waste.

City of Vantaa: Sercan Alkan

Duration of project

1.4.2023 – 31.3.2026

Project budget

1 187 471 €

EAKR: 712 482 €

Project is implemented by

City of Vantaa

City of Helsinki

Laurea University of Applied Sciences

LUKE Natural Resources Institute of Finland

Practical solutions to reduce waste

The project brings together food services and circular economy companies, educational and research institutions and food aid operators. Developing together creates opportunities for new ideas.

The primary target group of the project is food operators in the metropolitan area; in particular food services such as public sector kitchens and canteens and hospitality sector, but also other sources of waste food such as food businesses.

Other target groups of the project encompass food aid operators in the metropolitan area, as well as churches, organizations, municipalities, and companies that utilize surplus food. Furthermore, circular economy businesses that already generate business from waste and newly interested companies in utilizing food waste are also among the target audiences.

Vesa Lahtinen

Utilizing food waste according to the principles of the waste hierarchy

Kuva Kartanonkosken kouluruokailusta
City of Vantaa: Sercan Alkan

The aim is to reduce food waste in line with the principles of the waste hierarchy, with the primary aim of preventing food waste. If surplus food is at risk of becoming waste, it should be used primarily for human consumption.

If food waste cannot be used for human consumption, it may be diverted to feed or energy use.

Studies show that food services account for about one fifth of originally edible food waste in the food chain in Finland and that redistribution of food waste in this sector remains low.

The project supports the sustainable development of municipalities in the metropolitan area, as well as the carbon neutrality and EU sustainable development goals.

Studies show that the share of food waste in the food chain caused by catering services in Finland is slightly less than one-fifth, and its utilization is still low. The utilization rate of waste from other sources of food waste, such as industry, wholesale, and retail, is higher.

 The objectives of the project combine the strengthening of the vitality of the metropolitan area in a sustainable way, while reducing emissions.

Keimolanmäen koulun ruokailu
City of Vantaa / Sercan Alkan

Contact information

Mari Itkonen

Project Manager

City of Vantaa

Heidi Nikula

Project Specialist

City of Vantaa

Heta Hyvärinen

Project Manager

City of Helsinki

Veera Peltomaa

Project Manager

Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Kirsi Silvennoinen

Senior Scientiest 

Natural Resources Institute Finland



Ruokahävikin vähentäminen on kestävää kehitystä

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8.2.2024 at 13.00-16.00